So welcome to my first attempt at blogging. I wanted to try to create something to leave for my grandchildren and perhaps others who may be interested. I am not sure what I am doing but I will figure it out. That is one thing about me. I always do what I have to, to survive, or to get things done.
I love being a grandparent. Its so fulfilling. Its a lot different then being a parent. When you are a parent you are all trial and error. Hopefully the children you raise turn out to be well adjusted adults. That doesn't always happen but then it becomes their choice not yours. As I get older the things I am learning really are things that were taught me as a child or teenager by people I looked up to. Ones who cared enough about me to show me I mattered.
I didn't have that as a child. I mean I know my mom tried, but it wasn't easy. She was raising 7 children, with an alcoholic man. One who beat her, used her, kept her down as a victim and refused to give her any respect. I know I remember certain times when the appearance was there. But overall my memories are not positive when it comes to my family. Still isn't except for my beautiful and amazing sister DONNA! She is my oldest sister. She is some one I admire. She chose a hard path but she is a survivor. So a shout out to my sister! Thank you Donna for being a good sister now as we get older. I love you! Isn't she beautiful?

I love being a grandparent. Its so fulfilling. Its a lot different then being a parent. When you are a parent you are all trial and error. Hopefully the children you raise turn out to be well adjusted adults. That doesn't always happen but then it becomes their choice not yours. As I get older the things I am learning really are things that were taught me as a child or teenager by people I looked up to. Ones who cared enough about me to show me I mattered.
I didn't have that as a child. I mean I know my mom tried, but it wasn't easy. She was raising 7 children, with an alcoholic man. One who beat her, used her, kept her down as a victim and refused to give her any respect. I know I remember certain times when the appearance was there. But overall my memories are not positive when it comes to my family. Still isn't except for my beautiful and amazing sister DONNA! She is my oldest sister. She is some one I admire. She chose a hard path but she is a survivor. So a shout out to my sister! Thank you Donna for being a good sister now as we get older. I love you! Isn't she beautiful?
Can't wait to meet your sister sometime. She is lucky to have a sister like Dawn... :D