Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Old Shoes, New Shoes

There is just something about your favorite shoes. You know. They are worn out, and tired looking. They have walked many miles. Through the dirt, mud and snow. They have been comfortable and your go to. I love my old shoes.

I remember as a kid when I got new shoes. I was so excited to tell my friends. Look I can run faster, I can climb higher. There is just something about new shoes isn’t there? As I got older your shoes defined you. I had Converse All Stars, moccasins and a boot that my friends and I called elephant stompers. I can’t remember why we called them that lol.

My own kids had such a variety. Dress shoes, PE shoes, snow boots, (moon boots, do they still make those even?), and flip flops. But I remember getting new shoes and they had to be broken in. I used to wear my cons and soak them in as hot of water as I could stand. I have no idea why but I did.

My walk is like that too. When I was first saved I would say look what he has done. I’m happier, I know he loves me. I can do anything. My hope is in Christ. He is my new shoe. He is why I can press on. But somewhere along the way I became complacent. Oh I think it comes and goes.

Lately I’ve been thinking about my old shoes. I think it’s time to get rid of them. I used to say they smelled like cinnamon. It was my way of being comfortable in them. But they are falling apart. They are not as useful as they once were. They don’t keep out the wet weather. They don’t protect my feet like they once did.

Christ tells us in him we are a new creation.
2 Corinthians 5:17

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Sometimes we have to get out of our comfortable shoes (spaces) into the new life Christ has called us to. Let me be honest, the old shoes are great. They are broke in. They are comfortable yet they now stink. It’s time to move towards Christ. The author and finisher of my faith. The one who I can be comfortable with and in. But no I can’t do this alone.

I need Christ to break the shoes in for me. To make them bearable. To show me his mercies are new every morning. To remind me of the hope I have in him. To help me find the right shoes. The ones that are uniquely mine. I can’t live in the past. But I am also forgiven and under no condemnation in Christ. His mercies are new every morning. When I repent, ask for forgiveness he can give me that peace and joy that I am comfortable in him with.

Thank you Lord that in you I’m forgiven and free. In you my life can be like the new shoes. Uncomfortable at first but nothing you can’t help me become comfortable in you in. Here is to new shoes and new mercies in Christ!

New King James Version (NKJV)
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Friday, October 5, 2018

He Counts My Tears

I am a child of God. I’ve been redeemed. I’m not perfect but I follow the one who is. My life is one that has many imperfections and so many flaws. I struggle, I cry, I get down. But I also laugh, smile and see the good.

Who I am in Christ though it’s where I am. My life is mine to live and chose or not. Everyday I get up, I must make choices. To get up or not, to eat or not, to trust or not.

Today I’ve been thinking a lot about that. Trusting. Do I trust Christ with everything? Do I trust him in the dark places as well as when it’s easier? I’ve had people tell me it’s easy to trust in the mountaintops. Others who say it’s in the valleys where you learn to trust.

Guess what it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s a choice. When things are going well I throw my prayers out and say I trust you and I go on. When I’m in the valleys I cry out to the Lord. Oh Lord I need you.

Well today it’s a choice. I want my words to be meaningful no matter if it’s a mountain or valley I’m in. I’ve prayed you know and I’ve been careless or careful with my prayers. I want to be bold. I want to be sincere. I want to pray for not just my own life, or those close to me but to whomever God brings to my mind.

My oldest granddaughter and I have been praying every morning on the way to school. We pray for her day, my day and our family. We pray for some very dear friends (let’s be honest, they are our family). They are grafted in our tree. Because our tree is the Tree of Life, Christ. We pray for other friends, teachers, and things that come up.

Prayer is changing my heart. It’s giving me a sense of direction. Do I still struggle? Yes everyday, every hour and even sometimes minute to minute. I’m going through something very hard and personal right now.

But in the morning I seek his face through my prayers and my words. During the day I find myself praying more and more. Lifting things to my Saviour  and Friend, Jesus. At night I get to pray with said sister. Those prayers... well I’m reminded of these scriptures;

Psalm 56:8-11

8 You number my wanderings;
Put my tears into Your bottle;
Are they not in Your book?
9 When I cry out to You,
Then my enemies will turn back;
This I know, because God is for me.
10 In God (I will praise His word),
In the Lord (I will praise His word),
11 In God I have put my trust;
I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?

*New King James Version (NKJV)
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

I’ve been working on this picture. Oh I know it’s not perfect but it is mine.

Pray for me. If you need prayer message me. I’m willing to pray for you. God Bless And Keep You Today.  Much Love
~ Dawn