Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine’s Day 2019

Today is Valentine’s Day. A day when we as believers understand or should that the greatest love was done for us! He loved us so much, you so much, He laid down His life for YOU, for ME, for US ALL. 

Many of you are alone, sad, and lonely. Many are sick, heartbroken and depressed. Many are suffering in silence, shunned, cast away.. But let me tell you this, He LOVES ❤️ YOU. He wants you. He can heal the broken hearted. He can give you Hope. 

Sometimes we feel like we are wandering in the desert. Dry and parched. Sadness overwhelms us. It says there is no hope. There is no way out. 

I’ve been there. I’m there in some ways currently but this I know, He loves me so much He laid his life down. His love knows no depths, no width. But it knows you. Before you knew Him you were formed in your mother’s womb. He KNOWS YOU. 

Your sadness, your trials, your thorns. He knows. He knew we would not be faithful, He knew we would fall and fail, yet He still laid his life down for you. 

Reach for his garment today. On this day of Love, reach out to him. He is waiting. His hand reaching for you. His love, His blood, His peace... come to Him this day. Sense His Love washing over your dry and parched life. 

Be encouraged. You matter to Him. You have meaning. Your heard. Love to you today!